Tuesday, March 11, 2008

About this blog

Hello! My name is Shawn, and I am a student at College of San Mateo. This blog is for a class at my college, English 100. I have decided that it would only be appropriate to make this blog about whatever books I have read recently. I read a LOT to pass the time between classes or during slow periods at work. I am a salesman at a newer furniture store, so the slow periods come frequently and are horrrrrrible. I figured I could do reviews of the books, and talk about whether you should read them or not. I typically like non fiction or science fiction stuff, but I recently came into possession of a lot of books which are outside my normal realm. My girlfriend and I got her stuff out of storage, and she likes mysteries, horror and crime dramas. So this is a good opportunity for me to give you some good blogs while I am discovering genres that are unfamiliar to me. I hope I don't bore anyone to death, so I will not recount the book chapter by chapter, but I hope I can give you an idea if you might like it or not. Thanks for reading it, and any comments about my taste (or lack thereof) are greatly appreciated.

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